Inicialmente, una persona puede encontrar dificultades al ser hecha una “limpieza” de lo antiguo para dar cabida a las nuevas frecuencias, pero si el individuo continúa y empuja más allá de la limpieza, será recompensado con un nuevo sentido de equilibrio, expansión de la conciencia, y lo que es más importante, con el nuevo flujo de pensamiento que procede de la corriente de datos sensoriales de los Creadores-de-Alas. Estos nuevos pensamientos producen nuevas acciones creativas y cadenas de eventos que llevan a que el propósito de una entidad se manifieste." Ordenamiento por Temas de P & R
No one who immerses within the WingMakers' data stream will be unaffected. This is because of how the frequencies of the light and sound (from the art and music) will affect the thalamocortical system, and how this system, in turn, effects consciousness. How far the individual immerses in the data stream will define how well they are able to establish these new frequencies in their consciousness (see Chamber Four Philosophy paper for an example of a more complete immersion).
Initially, an individual may encounter difficulties as a "clearing" of the old is made to accommodate the new frequencies, but if the individual proceeds and pushes beyond the clearing, they will be rewarded with a new sense of balance, expansion of consciousness, and most importantly, the new thought stream that proceeds from the WingMakers' sensory data stream.
These new thoughts produce new, creative actions and event-strings that lead to an entity's purpose becoming manifest. Sessions Q & A by James

Confiamos que sea útil en tus meditaciones con el arte visual.
Gracias por acercarte a este mundo.
The purpose of these videos is to have the option of viewing the art of each camera and also its corresponding music and make it a conscious meditation. We trust that is useful in your meditations with visual art.
Thanks for approach to this world.